A Free Chapter


Happy 2020,

It’s been awhile since I blogged. But I’m glad to be back.

Late last year, I launched my second book, namely, Unveiled. It is on relationships and it’s all about revealing God’s truths, will, heart, perspective and mind on relationships that lead to marriage.

Today I was studying on the Proverbs 31 woman and I was led to share with you, on who a Virtuous woman is.

So, here’s the link to the Free Chapter of my book, unveiled, Chapter 14 on the Woman God has for you…

Click here/below to access the free chapter…

A Free Chapter



The “Wickedness” of Pain!

Image Credit: Unsplash

Been thinking on the topic to use for my message today and I thought on naming my topic, – the ‘shrewdness’ of pain? But upon looking at the definition of shrewd, it didn’t really capture what I wanted to expound. So I decided to just stick to my original line of thought and revelation, and that is, the *wickedness* of pain!?

Lest you think, I’m calling people wicked and stuff like that — let’s look at the biblical definition of the word #wickedness — it is a mental disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in thought and life; depravity; sinfulness; criminality.

With that said, I want to start by stating out that, we all experience pain at one point or another in our lives. Different kinds of pain at different levels. And no matter what, pain is just pain. People are hurting. Be it hurting from rejection, betrayal, failure, loss of a loved one, or loss of a thing. Almost everyone is going through some sort of pain.

But, what we do or how we deal with our pain determines the direction our lives will take from that point forward. We are the ones who determine what to do with our pain. Either we become masters of our pain or servants of it. We either choose to give it to God, or hold on to it and allow it to make us bitter, resentful and to some point wicked!? šŸ˜± Yes…

If you are not careful, pain has the ability and the capacity to make you wicked — will explain it in a few.

The sad part of all this, is that, we have allowed pain to become our master, and we have become it’s slave. We have become worshippers of our pain, Selah! We are no longer controlled and dictacted by the word of God or by the Spirit of God, but by our pain. We are led by our pain. We do what pain dictates we should do. And ultimately, we have allowed it to conform us and cause us to become the people we are today.

Let me tell you my story, so that you can catch what I’m saying…

I remember there was this time in my life, whereby I had given myself completely to prayer. And I was really crying out to the Lord to change my life. Believing God for a complete make over. And at that point it felt like God wasn’t hearing me despite my heartfelt cries, pleas, and groanings. But I kept holding on.

During that time, the Lord was dealing with all the emotional pain that I had buried for years. So I would have random moments where I would experience intense emotional pain. But I would cry, and mourn for minutes and the pain would ease. This continued for almost a year. And I started seeing some changes in my life. I started loving people more, and I was getting healed emotionally. Alot of things changed in my life during that time, that probably I will tell another time.

After going through that season, I thought this is it, I’m good now… Only to experience another episode. There was this day, just an ordinary day, I was busy folding some clothes and I started feeling anxious. Then the anxiety turned to pain. I thought to myself, that I will just cry like other times and I will be good. Unlike other times, the pain kept increasing instead of subsiding. I felt so much pain that day, that I thought I was going to die. I remember crying out to the Lord to take the pain away but He didn’t. And that BROKE ME. I felt let down by the Lord and betrayed by Him.

My heart was broken, I felt forsaken and alone. At that moment I felt like, ‘God I have trusted you, I have given you my life and you do this to me, you forsook me when I needed you the most’, so I thought. But that wasn’t the truth, it was the deception of the enemy. So I was so heart broken, that I ended up shutting down from the Lord. I shut my heart down. I refused to be comforted by the Lord, because I thought, you betrayed me and failed me at a moment I really needed you…

You see, the devil is an opportunist, he will try to take advantage of your pain. If you don’t surrender your pain to the Lord and allow the Lord to comfort you and walk with you through your pain, you will be an easy prey to the deceptions of the enemy!

The intention of the enemy is to cause us to break faith and doubt God, and eventually set us up on a path of wickedness causing us to turn away from the Lord! That’s why the Hebrew writer wrote and said;

Hebrews 3:12(NKJV)
Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.

Some versions instead of using the word an *evil heart, they use the word a *wicked heart. And a wicked heart is equalled to an unbelieving heart…

Often times, the root cause of people turning away from the Lord even into atheism, is pain. The devil takes advantage of our most vulnerable times, to deceive us into thinking the Lord is the cause of our pain, loss or even misery. The devil is a liar.

There’s no evil in God. There’s no wickedness with God. He’s pure, righteous, holy and a good good Father. But the devil comes with all manner of lies and deceptions, and uses our pain to cause us to turn away from God.

I remember shutting my heart down from the Lord. I closed my heart. I could no longer hear the voice of God, and I didn’t want to hear anything from Him. I no longer allowed God to penetrate into my life, so there was no conviction or anything. I did whatever I wanted to do, without any conviction at all. I lived life the way I wanted to live. I read the word and prayed according to how I felt like. The things I knew I was supposed to do, I didn’t do, and I didn’t care about it… And this my friend, is the wickedness of pain!

Pain has a way of making you feel justified. Justified to walk in hate, un forgiveness, bitterness, resentment, vengeance, cruelty etc. But it’s up-to you to choose whether you will be mastered by your pain or that you will walk according to the word of God.

You see, I didn’t realize how – me refusing to surrender my pain to the Lord, was turning me towards wickedness. Until, I encountered a situation whereby I was really hurt by someone and the only thing I wanted to do was to revenge and make them feel how they made me feel.

Forgiveness and love was no longer in my vocabulary. And the sad part was that, I didn’t feel convicted about it… You see my friends, you can only feel the conviction of the Lord, in areas you’ve allowed the Lord to move in your life. Pain will make you to turn away from God and shut your heart down, and therefore, you cannot feel the conviction of the Lord…

Most of the people we consider as wicked, be it bullies, angry people, rapists, molesters, murderers, and all manner of wickedness, are people who have been hurt and are in pain. I’m not trying to justify the acts. Coz, we all have a choice.

Remember, hurt people hurt people!

If you don’t surrender your hurt or pain to the Lord, you give room for the deception of the enemy.

Pain has the capacity of turning you into a different man. Pain has the ability of making you to trash the word of God. Pain has a way of making us arrogant and proud, because we feel justified to be angry and to feel the way we are feeling. Unsurrendered pain can turn you into the path of wickedness.

When you refuse to allow God into your pain, pain will make you enthrone yourself into the place of God – where you do whatever you want to do, without regard for the word of God or the fear of God. Unsurrendered pain is dangerous — it can make you wicked!

You are going through pain? I plead with you, surrender it to the Lord, embrace the comfort of the Lord and don’t believe the lies of the enemy. God can not even perceive of doing you harm. God is a good good Father. There is no evil in Him and there can never be wickedness with Him!

God wants to take away your pain and wipe away all your tears! Allow Him! Give Him room! Don’t allow pain to turn you into wickedness – having no regard for the truth, and the authority of God over your life! Amen!

Here I am! I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Rev. 3:20

God Bless You,

God Loves You, Trust Him, He’s a good God!

ā¤Jess ā¤

I’m Thirsty?

Image Credit: Unsplash

Recently, I was listening to a message and the message was from the book of John chapter 4. As the servant of the Lord was reading the passage, my eyes were opened. And I saw something in that scripture, that I’ve never seen before. The eyes of my understanding were enlightened. And I perceived what this concept of being ‘thirsty’ is all about. And I realized that, the Samaritan woman was a thirsty woman in need of living waters, just as we are today.

Let’s back it up a little bit and get a glimpse of what the Lord is teaching us through this incredible and life transforming story…

We see Jesus at the beginning of chapter 4, leaving Judea to go back to Galilee. And the scripture lets us know that Jesus had to go through Samaria. In other words, it was necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria.

Jesus often stated that, He did nothing of His own. Everything He did, was what the Father required of Him. So, we can be assured that, Jesus going through Samaria – despite the intense conflict between Jews and Samaritans – was so as to obey the Father. Jesus was on an assignment. We later on realize this to be the case, because after fulfilling His assignment, His disciples bring Him food, and He says, ‘My food is to do the will of my Father’.

Jesus gets into Samaria, and by this time He’s exhausted and worn out. He sits down by the well hoping to find someone that will refresh him with a drink of water. And a Samaritan woman comes to the well and Jesus asks her for a drink.?

I want you to note her reaction to Jesus’ request.

The Samaritan woman said to Him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

When I look at this story I see both comparisons and contrasts between this woman and Rebekah- in Genesis 24:15-21. Both were women who were asked for a drink at the well. The Samaritan woman was not willing to offer Jesus a drink. Whereas Rebekah willingly offered Eleazar, Abraham’s servant, a drink and even offered to water his camels, which was a very tedious work to do. This was the difference between Rebekah and the Samaritan woman.

The Samaritan woman’s excuse was the long term conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans. That was her excuse not to serve Jesus…

Does that sound familiar to you? It’s mind blowing how we make alot of excuses in order not to serve others. We have been called to serve one another. To refresh others. To pour into others what Christ has poured into us. But we are still making excuses. Excuses as to why I can’t serve my husband or serve my church, my siblings or even my neighbor? And most of our excuses look and sound legitimate like the Samaritan woman’s.

But the more we withhold what we have, we deny and rob ourselves the blessing of receiving new things and more!

One thing I want you to note is that, when we are thirsty or empty, we tend to become selfish, not willing to serve or give, because we are often afraid of being left with nothing! And whenever we are required to give something, the question in your heart will often be, ‘what about me?‘, or, ‘what’s there for me?’

Jesus answers the Samaritan woman, and let’s her know that if she only knew the gift of God, she would have asked Him(Jesus) for the living waters and she would never have thirsted again.

Mark that, if only she knew the gift of God, she would have asked…

The reason why many of us are not willing to give, be it giving their gifts for service or even giving of themselves, it’s because we have not known the gift of God. Many of us have fallen into the deception that the Lord wants to take everything away from you and leave you empty and void. And that’s a lie from the pit of hell.

God wants to release to you. That’s the heart of God. That’s the mystery and the way of Christ. Jesus wants to add to you. He wants to pour to you. And He wants to do that, by you releasing and blessing others with what you have received from Him.

If only we understood the ways of God, we would not withhold that which we have received from the Lord. Because the more we release and pour into others, the more our bellies will keep releasing rivers of living waters into our lives. Rivers of wisdom, revelation, peace, joy, grace and many more blessings.

The Samaritan woman was hesitant to offer Jesus a drink because she didn’t know the desire and the willingness of God to bless her. If she knew the heart, the mind and the thoughts of God towards her, she would have asked for what she didn’t have or fell short of! And the Father would have released it without measure.

We withhold because we lack the revelation of the Father’s heart. Jesus wants to add to you but if only you will release what you are holding and be a blessing to someone else.

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that she needs the living waters, in order not to be thirsty again. And the woman asks Jesus for that drink so that she will never need to come to the well again. But Jesus saw that the woman wasn’t getting the point. So Jesus asks to see her husband. She says that she has no husband. And Jesus let’s her know that she is correct and that she has had five husbands and the one in the house is not even her husband. And she’s shocked at the revelation of Jesus.

You might be wondering what does having husbands got to do with being thirsty.?

Jesus used her own experience to show her that she’s been thirsty. She has had a deep void in her heart, that she has tried to fill with men. But she was still thirsty. Thirsting for something that only God can satisfy.

We all have a God sized hole in us, that only God can fill. We all have longings and thirstings that no boyfriend, girlfriend, success, applaud from men, marriage can fill. It’s only Jesus who can meet our deepest longings and needs.

For the longest time in my life have been thirsty for love, embrace and acceptance. And over the years I tried to fill that void with sex. But still felt empty and not satisfied. And I desperately desired for a husband because I thought, maybe my husband will fill that void. And I had to come to the realization that, it’s only God who can quench my thirsty soul, never to thirst again. And I had to learn to open myself up to God and receive love, embrace and acceptance from Him. Because it’s only Him who can heal my broken soul, quench my emotional thirst and fill me up!

After Jesus revealed to the woman stuff about her life. The woman started talking about worship. And they start conversing about where true worship must take place.

This is a very important thing to note. Because it’s through worship, that we allow the Lord to fill us up, never to thirst again. When we worship we stir up the rivers of the living waters in our bellies, causing it to flow to every part of our being. Filling our cup to overflow.

After discussing with Jesus about worship, she runs to the village to call people to come and hear Jesus. A woman who was a cast away. A woman who would go to the well at noon to avoid other women, because of the shame she carried due to the current life she lived? Is now unashamed and unafraid. She goes out and calls all the people to come to Jesus. And the Bible says that many believed in Jesus. And Jesus remained with them for 2 more days.

After receiving the living waters and the gift of God, Jesus. She was able to serve the needs of others and even minister to people who once rejected her. She was no longer thirsty, because she willingly and openly received the gift of God! The gift of no condemnation.

The reason why we are not able to minister to our spouses, our friends, our family members and the world around us, it’s because, we too are thirsty and empty. We have nothing to pour into the society and the ailing world around us.

The world is need of love, and God is looking for men and women who will turn to Him for an outpouring and allow the Lord to fill their empty and thirsty souls, so that they can go back and pour into the world that which they have received from the Lord.

This world is full of empty and thirsty souls. Always looking for something to satisfy us.

And this is what is ailing our relationships. We are demanding from our loved ones something that only divinity can fill. Hence causing alot of strain, strive and conflict in our relationships. We are no longer servants but masters. We have become abusers in relationships. Always entering into relationships with the intent of taking but never to serve or give. Selah!

In order for our relationships to flourish you need to be filled up, so that you can pour into, refresh and serve the world around you. Amen, somebody.?

Are you thirsting for forgiveness, acceptance, love, redemption, grace, healing? Look unto God. Turn your eyes and your heart to Jesus. Be open and receive from Him. Accept the gift of God today. And you will never thirst again. Amen.!

The Love Story – Pt.3!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

In continuation to the Ruth and Boaz love story series, let’s unfold chapter 3 of the book of Ruth, and see what the scripture has in store for us.

In verse 1, we see Naomi getting into Ruth’s business. And Naomi says to Ruth, “My daughter, I must find a home for you”. That’s very interesting and important to note. Why must Naomi find a home for Ruth? And what does Naomi mean by a home?

A home signifies a place of settlement. A place of rest. A place of establishment. A place of contentment and fulfillment. A place of satisfaction and a place of peace, joy and blessing.

When you are in a godly relationship that’s been ordained of God, there ought to be a feeling of ‘being at home’ with the person you are in relationship with.

What does it mean to be at home with someone? When you feel at home with someone, there’s a sense of freedom. Freedom to be yourself and to speak your heart. Freedom to be yourself, without the fear of being judged. There’s also a sense of security and safety that you have or feel around the person. There’s also no fear and there’s no shame whenever you are around that person.

Being or feeling at home is also a feeling of peace and rest. If you are in the right relationship, you should have a sense of peace and resting in your spirit. You are no longer searching. You are settled in your heart and in your spirit that, this is it! and this is the one!

If you don’t have peace and there’s restlessness in your spirit concerning your relationship, then it might be time to reconsider. If you find yourself having doubts in your mind and questions in your heart that can’t seem to shake off, maybe it might be time to reconsider your decision.

It’s not fair for the other party involved, for you to enter into marriage with the doubts and the questions in your heart. Before you enter into marriage, settle your doubts first. If possible, talk to the person you are in relationship with about your doubts and questions. But more importantly, talk to the Lord instead! He will guide you correctly and never mislead you.

Many times we ignore the doubts and the questions in our hearts. Maybe because of the pressures you get either from friends, family members or even pressure that you have put on yourself. And we often choose to settle. And this is not the kind of settling where, you feel satisfied and content. But this is the kind of settling where, you are afraid to confront your doubts and questions, and you choose to continue with the relationship even though you know you don’t feel at home with the person you are in relationship with.

Nevertheless, you need to seek to know where your doubts are coming from. They might be coming from your own fears, the enemy, the things that people have told you pertaining to your relationship or the person you are with. Or they might be warnings from the Holy Spirit. Talk to the Lord concerning your doubts! Don’t ignore them!

I also can’t ignore the issue of spiritual warfare. If the Lord has confirmed to you that this is the one and there’s a peace and a resting in your spirit but you keep dealing with all these doubts and questions in your mind? Then you might need to cast down these thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God concerning your life. Engage the blood of Jesus to pull down all these negative strongholds and rebuke those negative thoughts in the name of Jesus.

If you are in a relationship, the question is, do you feel at home with the person? Or better yet, are you at home, whenever you are with the person you are in relationship with?

In continuation, Naomi tells Ruth that she must find a home for her, and also a home where she will be well provided forSo Naomi tells Ruth that, “I must not only find a home for you, but I must find a home where you will be well provided for, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually too”. (Emphasis Added)

What does it mean to be well provided for? It means that Naomi is looking for a home where Ruth will be well taken care of. A place where she will not be abused, mishandled or mistreated. A place where her input is valued and considered. A place where she will be loved. A place where she will be provided for.

To be provided for, also means to be supplied with sufficient – lacking nothing!

Naomi was looking out for Ruth’s future and she wanted to make sure that Ruth’s future was secured.

Naomi in this chapter reflects the nature, character and the heart of God towards you. In the same manner we see Naomi looking out for Ruth, is in the same way that the Lord is looking out for us. God desires for you to be settled, and not just anywhere but a place you will call home and a place you will be well provided for. Jesus is looking out for your future. Trust His plan. He still has you in His mind. Just like Naomi, the Lord is looking for a home for you, and a place you will be well provided for. Cheer up! God’s got you!

Psalm 68:6a, “God places the lonely in families…” NLT-

Naomi goes ahead and let’s Ruth know that, Boaz is a relative of theirs. Why is this important to note? Because we see in the Old Testament, when time came for Abraham to get Isaac a wife, he sent his servant to get Isaac a wife from among his relatives (Genesis 24:2-4). Abraham refused his son Isaac to marry the Canaanites and the Hittites. Why? Because everyone who married the foreigners in the scriptures, ended up worshipping and serving other gods. This is the reason why the Lord gave a commandment for the Israelites not to intermarry with those other nations because of this very specific reason.

God’s will for us is that we will not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. As a born again Christian, every decision I make, it’s founded on and directed by the word of God.

Can you imagine being married to someone who is not born again? Someone who doesn’t agree with you pertaining to the foundational truths that define your life? Well, all I see is a marriage that will be full of conflict. And what happens is that, to avoid much conflict, one of you will need to bow to the other. Selah!

Our born again brothers and sisters are our kindred and relatives in the Spirit. Choose a partner who’s of the same faith as you!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

After informing Ruth that Boaz was a relative of theirs. Naomi goes ahead and gives Ruth a strategy on how to divinely position herself for the blessing she was believing God for.

The first things that Naomi tells Ruth to do, is to wash herself, put on perfume, and get dressed in her best clothes! Naomi gives Ruth this strategy in preparation for what she was believing God for.

What does it mean to wash yourself? It means to cleanse your spirit, your mind, and your heart from all the clutter, negativity, resentment, bitterness, anger, low self-esteem issues, doubt, every thing that’s not of God, and everything that’s hindering you from receiving the blessing that the Lord has for you. Cleanse yourself. Detox your heart and mind. Let your mind, soul and spirit be renewed and washed by the water of the word of God.

Wash your heart until it’s ready to love and to trust again. Cleanse it from all past relationships, until you are open to receive what God has in store for you.

After washing, Naomi tells Ruth to put on some perfume. What does it mean? Spend time in the presence of the Lord and allow the Lord to anoint you. Allow the presence of God to permeate every fibre of your being. Let the presence of the Lord be your perfume. If you have not accepted Christ into your heart, what a better way than to have the Lord in your heart. And let Him perfume your life and turn your ashes to beauty. Guys, there’s no natural perfume that can supersede the perfume of the spirit.

Kindness and good attitude is also likened to good perfume. When you are a good person, with a kind heart and with good attitude, then you become very attractive. The inner beauty will always supersede the outward beauty. Let your character be like sweet smelling fragrance.

Naomi also tells Ruth to get dressed in her best clothes. Mmmmhhh? That’s powerful. What does it mean? It means to dress yourself up for what you are believing God for. To dress means to put on the right mindsets, right attitudes and right mannerisms for where you want to go. Embrace the mindset and the mannerisms of a wife or a husband, even before you become a wife or a husband. You see my friend, you are made a wife or a husband way before you become a wife or a husband. That’s why the scripture states, ‘he who finds a wife, finds a good thing’. In other words, you are found as a wife before you become a wife! Selah.

To wash yourself, put on some perfume and get dressed in your best clothes, also applies in the physical as well. Often times, the only obstacle between you and your blessing, is just applying some perfume and looking good. That’s all. No mystery. As much as we are spiritual beings, we are also physical beings. We are moved with what we see. Don’t neglect your inner beauty and also your outward appearance. They all matter, though one has more weight than the other.

Naomi gives Ruth strategies to divinely position herself for what she was believing God for. Are you positioned for what you are trusting God for? Have you prepared yourself for what you are believing God for?

Naomi gives Ruth another strategy and she tells her that, once she has gotten to the threshing floor where Boaz is, she shouldn’t let him know that she’s there until he’s finished eating and drinking. And Naomi continues and gives Ruth more instructions, and tells her what to do after Boaz has laid down to sleep. I will explain all this in a short while.

I want you to note something. Ruth does everything her mother in law tells her to do. And at the end of the story, things turn out better than they all expected… This teaches us to depend on the Holy Spirit even pertaining to matters of love and how to approach someone you like. The Holy Spirit has got the best strategies in the world. The strategies might not make sense to the flesh, but they will most definitely work. Stop depending on your own wisdom. Rely on God. Let Jesus give you the strategy. Amen, somebody!?

Ruth does everything her mother in law advised her to do. So in the middle of the night, the Bible says, something startled Boaz and he wakes up only to find a woman lying at his feet. I love that description, something startled the man. We obviously know that, that something must have been the Holy Spirit.

Many of us need that kind of startling. Because you have been praying and believing God, and now the Lord has brought your Ruth or Boaz into your life. But you are still asleep. You talk to your Boaz or Ruth everyday, or you greet them every Sunday, but you are too asleep to recognize them. You need to be startled!

While God was making Eve from Adam’s side, the Lord had to make Adam to fall into a deep sleep. But after He was through making Eve, the Lord awakened Adam. And Adam was able to see and recognize his wife, the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.

The thing is, some of you need to be awakened and startled in order to be able to recognize your own blessing.

Boaz is startled to see a woman lying at his feet. And he’s quick to know who it is. And Ruth responds and says, ‘I am your servant Ruth’ and obviously goes ahead and tells Boaz what she desires from him. And Boaz is more impressed at Ruth and he’s humbled by what she had done….

Boaz blesses Ruth and tells her that the kindness she has showed is greater than what she had done before in chapter 2. And Boaz is humbled to see that, Ruth had not chosen younger men, be it rich or poor, but had chosen him instead. Meaning, Boaz was a bit older than Ruth.

What also impressed Boaz more, is what Ruth did to make her request known. While Boaz was lying down, Ruth went and uncovered his feet and laid down at his feet… This is very symbolic friends. What Ruth was making known to Boaz was that, “I’m ready to not only submit in marriage but to submit to you as my covering, I submit to your leadership and authority, I’m ready to be your wife…” This is very powerful!

Spiritual things are spiritually discerned by the spiritually mature. Boaz was spiritually mature to recognize what Ruth had done – the power and the mystery of what she had done. That’s why he marvelled at what Ruth had done.

Get married to someone who gets you, not just in the physical but in the spirit too. Someone who understands your language.

Boaz is touched by what Ruth had done and he ensures to do what Ruth had asked of him – to be her guardian redeemer.

The Bible says that Boaz asked Ruth to lay at his feet until morning, since it was late in the night. But they got up before anyone could be recognized. And Boaz gave a charge that no one should know that there was a woman at the threshing floor. Boaz did this to protect Ruth’s reputation. Back then, women were greatly discriminated against, and not easily forgiven incase of any offence.

Boaz not only protects Ruth but he gives her more bundles of barley to carry home with her, so as to not go back to her mother in law empty handed. That’s really thoughtful of Boaz.

I pray, like Ruth and Boaz, that we will all find someone who we can love and care about so deeply and also love us and care about us in the same measure or more.

Lastly, when Ruth gets home and recounts to her mother in law, all that had happened. Naomi makes a statement and says, ‘Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.’

Can you see that, Boaz was such a man of integrity that Naomi is certain that he would not rest until the matter had been settled. Listen child of God, the man or woman that God has for you, will not keep you guessing, wondering or overly waiting for no good cause. They will make their intentions known and be clear on what they want. Selah!

God Bless You,

Much Love, JessšŸ˜„

The Deception of Idol Worship!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Yesterday I woke up to this article posted at our ‘Kenya Faith Writers Network’ what’s app group. The article was written for our online magazine which is called Let’s Shine magazine , (Just click to get in touch with amazing articles that will revolutionize your life, elevate your perspective and boost your faith). And I was inclined to open and read the article. To my surprise, it was an article that was an answer to my prayer.

The day before, I was having a heart to heart conversation with the Lord, pertaining to my strong desire for a spouse. And I was like, ‘Lord, have had enough! I’m tired of being worried and constantly over thinking and getting anxious over who I will get married to’šŸ˜…šŸ˜Ž. And I wanted the Lord to deliver me from this kind of worry and desperation. I didn’t want to worry anymore. I was tired of being possessive and obsessive concerning this issue. And I wanted to be free! I wanted to lay down this matter before the Lord and lay it down for real. I wanted to trust the Lord concerning this and trust Him for real.

So I wake up in the morning and this is what I get – An article addressing my issue! Indeed God is so gracious and kind to answer our most intimate prayer requests. And I was awe-struck when I started reading the article. It was an absolute answer to my prayer. And the woman of God, was talking from the story of the Israelites when they went before Samuel to ask for a king. And despite God’s objections, they still insisted on getting a king. And God gave them what they wanted though it wasn’t His will. The story is found in the book of 1 Samuel 8:1-21, you can read it during your free time.

Here’s the article for those who would love to read it I’m dancing

In the article, the woman of God shares how the Lord delivered her from her intense desire for a spouse which had now become a kind of an obsession. I read the article and it was an eye opener for me. And I decided to meditate more on the above scripture, so as to get myself delivered by the word of God from this obsessionšŸ˜!

I got my Bible and started reading the scripture over and over again with the intent of healing my heart from this strong desire. While reading it, the Lord stopped me for a moment. And He told me to stop looking at the scripture from the angle of – ‘I want to find a solution on how to get rid of this strong desire for a husband’ LolšŸ˜‚. But to look at it from the angle of ‘Idol Worship’ instead. Mmmmhhh! Because the issue is deeper than that! It’s more than having a strong desire for a spouse but instead, it’s an issue of idol worship!

In verse 1 of chapter 8, we see that there’s an issue in Israel. Samuel the prophet is now old, and his sons are serving in his place. But they are corrupt. They are not like their father Samuel. So the children of Israel are in distress. The elders of Israel gather together in a committee and they decide that they want a king! And they keep repeating that they want to have a king, such as all other nations have! A king to lead them and to go out before them and fight all their battles!

Obviously Samuel is displeased by their request but decides to pray to God anyway, in order to get God’s perspective on this issue. And so the Lord responds to Samuel and tells him to listen carefully (Verse 7a) to what the Israelites were asking for. At the surface it seemed like a genuine request by the elders of Israel. But in reality, there laid a deeper issue than what it seemed. And the issue was not really them asking for a king but why they were asking for a king?

The deeper issue was that there was idolatry in their hearts!

I will prove it to you!šŸ˜„

The evidence to proving that the children of Israel had an idol rooted at the depth of their request for a king is; the fact that they refused to hear God’s truth concerning their request. They gave no room for God’s perspective and truth! They wanted a king so much so, that they didn’t care if it was God’s will or not. They didn’t mind replacing who God was to them with an earthly king. They traded their relationship with the Lord in order to be like other nations. This proves they wanted a king more than anything else. Their desire for a king was no longer an ordinary desire but it had become an idol. We see the elders of Israel refusing to give heed to God’s will and still insisting on being given a king despite God’s warning!

N.B. Anything you find yourself desiring or wanting, and you want it so bad that you can’t give room for God’s will, instruction or direction – it’s an idol. Anything you are willing to compromise to get – it’s an idol. Anything you are willing to argue with God over – it’s an idol. Anything that has taken the place of God – it’s an idol. Anything that has taken your heart above God – it’s an idol. Once you find yourself at a place where you don’t care, you just want what you want, that’s an idol in your life. And idols must be cast down!

The children of Israel wanted a king who would lead them and fight all their battles. Whereas they had the King of kings who had led them from Egypt and settled them in the promised land, and had fought all their battles. Why did they need an earthly king when they had God?

I wondered, why do we have idols in our lives? Just like the Israelites, why do we ask for things that only the Lord can fulfill and be in our lives? Until I realized, it’s a deception. Idol worship is a deception. It deceives you into believing that it can do and be all that to you. And only God can become all things to us and do the impossible for us.

The children of Israel were deceived and blinded. They were caught up with what other nations had, that they forgot what they had in their relationship with God. Does that sound familiar? Isn’t it amazing how we get caught up with what other people have and we forget the wealth we have in God. We start coveting what our neighbors have. And we forget what the Lord has given us?

The children of Israel were led astray by what they saw. They never stayed in the presence of the Lord long enough to get caught up with what the Lord was doing in their lives and learn to appreciate the uniqueness of their nation, and who they are as the people of the covenant under the rulership of the King of kings.

Likewise, we are also caught up too much on social media and therefore we start desiring, admiring and coveting what’s happening in other people’s lives. And we lose sight of who we are and what we have in our own personal relationship with the Lord and what the Lord is accomplishing in our lives.

You will be consumed with what you spend too much time in!

The children of Israel were led astray by what they saw and focused on! They were deceived into thinking, having a physical king will be all that glitters and gold. And they traded what they had with God and their destiny for something fickle and temporary. Idols will have you trade destiny for things that are not worth it, because it has you deceived!

Whatever it is they wanted another king for, the Lord was already that to them. But they couldn’t see that! šŸ˜”

Anything that is an idol in your life has got you deceived. That it can do, what only God can do for you in your life. Or it has got you deceived, that it can be to you, what only the Lord can be to you. The reason why we replace God with all these things of this world, it’s because we have been deceived into believing that all these things will give us true happiness, fulfillment, joy and peace. But that’s a lie from the pit of hell. No human being, job or relationship that can give you true joy, peace, wholeness, and fulfillment. It’s only God! Nobody can love you like Jesus. And nobody can satisfy you like God can.

It’s a deception. Idol worship is a deception!

And the purpose of Idol worship is to get you to trade your relationship with God for temporary satisfaction. Only to realize that they will never satisfy or fulfill you the way you long to be fulfilled and satisfied. Truth is, the things of this world they will never satisfy. They do not have the capacity to function like God. Only God can become our everything. Only Jesus can satisfy and truly fulfill.

Every idol in your life wants to take the place of God in your life.

Wherever there’s idol worship, there will always be a forsaking of God and serving of those idols/gods.

You will always be running after and pursuing what you have idolized.

Listen child of God, the way to overcome idol worship and learn to cast them down, is to acknowledge the deception of the idol in your life. And realize nothing and no one can fulfill the role of God in your life.

Be it the idol of money, fame, success, marriage, ministry, etc. It can never satisfy and fill the place of God in your life. Having an idol will put you in a position of always pursuing but never satisfied!

The idol of marriage has got us deceived that our husbands or wives will be all that to us – love us, fulfill us, make us whole, satisfy us and meet our every need and do stuff that only God can. This explains the desperation we have often times to get married and the disappointments we face in marriages and in our relationships because we have this expectation. And we fail to realize that our spouses are not God and marriages or whatever is your idol can never be God! There’s definitely the blessings we get to enjoy as a result of having all these good things in our lives but not at the expense of our relationship with God. Have your priorities right and realize no one can do you like Jesus can! šŸ˜

There’s nothing wrong with desiring a good marriage and a spouse, but don’t let your desire turn to an idol. Let nothing take the place of God in your life and in your heart. Be clear on the purpose of God in your life!

Don’t be deceived!

Cast down every idol!

Truth be told, every idol has lied to you and to be truly free, you need to acknowledge and confront the lie!?

Amen! šŸ˜…

God Bless You, and thank you for reading through šŸ˜†šŸ˜„

Rem. To leave a comment and let me get to hear your feedback.

Love you so much, šŸ˜„


The Love Story – Pt.2.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

In the book of Ruth chapter 2, we see Boaz being introduced in this epic love story for the first time. And he is identified as a man of standing. Meaning, he was a man of character and good reputation. Proverbs 22:1 states that, “a good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold”. Boaz was no ordinary man. He was a well respected and esteemed man in his community. A man of honor and great integrity.

The greatest form of attraction is character. When a man has no character, it doesn’t matter how much they’re worth in terms of wealth or how they look, they are still unattractive! True beauty comes from within. Young girls think that, all they need is a man who has cash and looks good. And there’s nothing wrong with desiring a man who looks good and is stable financially. The issue comes in when that forms the foundation of the relationship. Sooner than later, they get married to the man who has cash and looks good but has no character. Then they want the man to be faithful and love them unconditionally. What they don’t know is that, they are demanding from the man something he is not able to give, since it is not in his being. He’s not fashioned to be selfless. He’s bound to be selfish, inconsiderate, and uncommitted to you because he has no character. He hasn’t had the Lord deal with him, mold him and mature him into a godly man. He does not know the fear of God.

My cousin told me, once you get married it’s almost like, you forget the outer beauty of the person and the only thing that matters is who they are on the inside. If they are ugly in their character, attitude and dealings, that’s all you will see, not their outward beauty. To all my sister-girlfriends out there and all the fellas, go for character above fleeting beauty and charisma!

In verse 2, we see Ruth asking for permission from her mother in law to go to the fields to pick leftovers in whosoever’s land she would find favor. And Naomi allows her to go. Well, I believe Ruth would have chosen to leave the house and go about her business without informing Naomi. But the mere fact that Ruth asked for permission from Naomi, proofs she honored and respected Naomi greatly. Ruth was a submissive and respectful girl. She honored Naomi even though Naomi was broke and broken. She respected her too much, to ask for her permission. Even though Ruth probably knew that, Naomi would not deny her permission to go out and get some work. They had come too far together. Yet Ruth found it wise to inform her mother in law that she was going out.

Listen child of God, the way you treat other people is equivalent to how you will treat your husband or wife. The way you deal with strangers, family members or even how you deal with the Lord especially when you don’t agree with Him, reflects your character, and that’s the same way you will deal with your husband or wife. If you are not acquainted with honor, you will therefore not honor your spouse or the institution of your relationship. Honor and respect are one of the greatest foundations for lasting relationships. You give what you have. You release what you are made of. If you want to have a blissful relationship, work on yourself – your character! Don’t just work on your outside which is fleeting but work on your inside which is enduring!

So Naomi allows Ruth to go ahead and look for some work. And in verse 3 and 4, we encounter some interesting coincidences. The Bible says that, as Ruth pursues to get some work, she ends up getting a space to glean in the field of Boaz, (coincidence no. 1). And on that particular day that Ruth is working in the field, Boaz comes to the field to see how the work is going; mmmhhh, (coincidence no. 2). As a matter of fact, the Bible says that, once Ruth gets the job, Boaz shows up! Ain’t that too much coincidence.

It is said, there’s no such word as coincidence in the Hebrew. Meaning, everything that orchestrated that day was no coincidence. It was staged and ordained by God. There’s no such thing as coincidence in God. Everything happens for a reason and a purpose. Ruth was simply pursuing her destiny in God and busy taking care of her mother in law, and God was busy handling her business. She thought she was looking for a job but didn’t know that the Lord was ordering her steps and leading her to her destiny. Whenever I read these verses, the only thing I see is God! I see God’s love for His children. Naomi was bitter when she left Moab. Because she had gone out full but now she had come back empty. She was literally poor. The kind of work Ruth was doing was for poor people – gleaning over leftovers. Naomi was bitter but she had no idea of what God was upto – to redeem and restore their wealth, dignity and reputation. The whole time, coming from Moab to Bethlehem and landing on Boaz’s field, it was all God’s plan. But Ruth and Naomi had zero idea on what God was upto. The Lord was busy ordering their steps to their glorious destiny. They thought they were just making decisions to survive. They didn’t know it was the Lord ordering their steps all the way to what He had in store for them. Wow! Glory to God!

Just an insert, Ruth never minded gleaning over leftovers. All she cared about was their well about (hers and her mother in law’s). She never cared about what other people would say. She was focused on her life; living a quiet life and minding her own business. This portrays alot about Ruth’s character. She was humble enough to do whatever it took to take care of her mother in law and herself. She knew her worth. That’s why she was never bothered by her current circumstance because she must have known that, ‘this too shall pass’. Her circumstance never changed who she was. She did everything with dignity and honor. Ruth was a woman of strength, noble character and great virtue.

After Boaz gets to the field and greets the workers. The Bible says that, Boaz asks the overseer of his workers who Ruth belonged to? This fascinates me because I tend to believe that there were other people who had come to glean too. But he took notice of Ruth in the midst of other beautiful maidens. He inquired about her. This is to all my beautiful sisters out there; the man God has for you, he will notice you, you don’t have to make him notice you. And he will inquire about you. If you have to do alot in order for a man to notice you, then he ain’t the one. If he’s for you, he will take notice of you even in the midst of other beautiful and gifted damsels.

I believe the reason why Boaz took notice of Ruth, it’s because of the hand of God that was upon her life. The oil of favor that flowed through Naomi to Ruth, distinguished Ruth in the midst of other girls in the eyes of Boaz. As much as we need favor in the work place, we also need favor to attract a godly spouse. I believe it’s not who we are that attracts a good man or woman to us than as much as it is the favor of God upon our lives. Because there are many women and men who are more beautiful and intelligent than we are. It is the hand of God that makes the difference in our lives!

After Boaz inquires about Ruth, he’s given her story. How she left her hometown and followed her mother in law to an unknown place and how she had been working in the field since morning. And Boaz was impressed by the character and integrity of Ruth. Listen child of God, the man or woman God has for you will be attracted to you because of your charm, beauty and the favor of God upon your life but you will keep him or her interested and impressed by your character and reputation. It was after hearing the story of Ruth that Boaz became more interested in Ruth! The fact that Ruth was a midianite, a widow and poor, didn’t seem to bother Boaz. Because her character and reputation had superseded her background.

Now that Boaz is more interested in Ruth, he calls her aside. And he tells her not to go and glean on another field. Meaning, he wanted her for himself. Boaz had seen something unusual and rare in Ruth and he wasn’t ready to let it go. The Bible says, a virtuous woman who can find? Boaz had found a virtuous woman. My sister, the man God has for you – if he wants you, he won’t give another man a chance to have you – Selah!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

The following verses of chapter 2, reveal to us the incredible character of Boaz. Not only does Boaz ask Ruth not to depart from his fields, but he ensures her safety while working in the field. Boaz demands that none of his male workers should lay a hand on Ruth. He protects her life and dignity. He ensures her security. Boaz assumes responsibility for Ruth. In verse 8, we see Boaz calling Ruth, ‘My daughter’. Meaning, Boaz assumes the position of a father to Ruth. The position of a father signifies covering, protection, provision and the sense of ‘I am responsible for you’. Daughter of the Most High God, the man that God has for you will be zealous about your safety. You should feel secure and safe around him. The man that God has for you, should endeavor to protect your calling, reputation, dignity and future. They wouldn’t do anything that would compromise your future and your relationship with the Lord. Boaz protects, shields and guards. He watches over you and not just physically but emotionally and spiritually too. He ensures your safety by the decisions he makes concerning you and by always covering you in prayer.

Not only does Boaz protect and ensure the safety and security of Ruth. But he blesses her too. The Bible says that, Boaz tells Ruth to go drink water whenever she would be thirsty (that was a rare opportunity for a foreigner like her and to top it all, poor!). During the lunch hour, Boaz calls her to have lunch with the rest. And she’s offered bread and she eats all she wants until there’s some leftover. If that was not enough, Boaz gives orders to his men who were harvesting, to leave some stalks for Ruth to collect when she comes gleaning. Ruth went home with overflow and abundance of blessings that day.

The man that God has for you will be a blessing to you. The Bible says, it is the blessing of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow. Your Boaz will bring you joy, peace and blessing overflow. They will not find you in peace and leave you in pieces. They will keep pouring into you, be it love, grace or even understanding. The man that God has for you has come to be a blessing and not a curse. They bring joy and peace, and not sorrow, confusion and shame. That’s the nature of Boaz, he has been blessed to be a blessing. He finds joy in being a blessing and being kind. Remember, the fact that a man is rich doesn’t mean they are providers, generous or kind-hearted, Selah! A man’s kindness is not measured by how much they give out of their riches but by how much they give out of their poverty.

Something spectacular takes place when Boaz blesses Ruth. The scripture states that, in verse 10, that Ruth bows down her face to the ground. And verse 13, she says, ‘May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord”. Can you see that? Ruth calls Boaz, my lord. Ruth is humble enough to recognize greatness, when she’s in the presence of it. She’s whole on the inside to see Boaz correctly. Many times we miss on Boaz because of how we treat him. We fail to recognize his kingship and greatness – who he is. And we treat him like any ordinary man or the man who hurt us and broke us.

That’s why it’s important to heal from every toxic relationship that broke us and left us wounded. Because if we continue with the bitterness and the resentment, we will spill all that venom on the man who didn’t break us. There’s nothing worse than treating a king like a dog. We need to heal and stop treating all men like dogs and then wonder why kings never seem to show up in our lives. Be whole, so that you won’t bleed on people who didn’t cut you. Be healed on the inside, so that you will not repel a good man with bitterness, negativity and resentment. When you treat a king like a king, he will shower you with all his goodness. This explains all the favor and the blessings that Ruth experienced in the presence of Boaz. Ruth experienced blessings overflow.

Ruth impressed Boaz with her character and reputation. And Boaz impressed Ruth with his good nature and kind heart. Remember, child of God, you attract your own kind. If you are attracting something you don’t like – heal and change. Allow the Lord to work on you. Let Him mold you and transform you into His likeness. Pursue to be like Christ. Pursue good character and wholeness. Goodness will always attract goodness!

Much Love, JessšŸ’“

God Bless You!

The Seasons of Walking on Water?

Photo Credit: Unsplash

-After He (Jesus) had dismissed them (the crowd), He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. Later that night, He was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw Him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. – Matthew 14:22-26, NLT-

Destiny will often times call you out of the boat to walk upon the waters. But most of us fail to do so when destiny comes knocking at the door of our hearts because of fear. The fear of failure, uncertainty and/or even the fear of the future. Fear keeps us from stepping out by faith into the unknown and the unfamiliar. But how many know that there are levels we will never experience unless we step out of our boats (our safety nets, familiar and comfortable places or positions) and step upon our waters (the unfamiliar, the unknown, the uncomfortable and the scary places).

Even responding to the call to follow Jesus, requires you to leave the known and the familiar – like the disciples who left everything including their fishing business – and follow Jesus to a destiny you don’t know. And truly speaking, the Lord is always calling us from where we are to a higher place in Him and in our walk of faith. We see the Lord calling Abraham out of his father’s house to a land He would show him – but doesn’t tell him where? Abraham had to step out of his boat ie his father’s house!

The only thing that often times keeps us from leaving our boats and walking on water, is fear. And F. E. A. R is false evidence appearing real. Fear is a deceiver. It deceives you into believing a lie; that whatever you are seeing in your mind or in your world shall be your reality. And that’s not true. Only God’s word over your life is true and truth! My friend, if you are afraid right now, I want you to know that fear is deceiving you! Don’t believe it! It’s lying to you. Believe God’s truth over the evidences that fear is trying to present to you. And do not fear! Disengage fear!

Listen child, the Lord will always be on your side, to keep your feet from slipping. The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. He will always be there cheering you on as you walk on water. The Lord will always be there, that’s why He says to you, “Do not fear”. And He repeats that 365 times throughout the scriptures. So there’s no need to fear. God’s got you, Amen somebody?šŸ˜„šŸ˜„

We see the Lord Jesus from the above scripture, drawing away from the crowd into the place of prayer before He comes walking on water. If you don’t know how you are going to take that step and you are terribly afraid, then move yourself into the place of prayer first. Give yourself to prayer. Prayer will build your spirit man up. It will charge up your faith. And it’s in that place of prayer, you will find the courage to take that bold step. All your doubts and fears will be drowned and zeroed in the place of prayer. The more you pray, the higher you are lifted in your spirit, your faith and in your perception about God, who you are, your potential and your situation. I tell you the truth, you will come out of that place unafraid of nothing and ready to conquer the world!

The reason why we are often afraid it’s because our perspective is too low. Meaning, we are seeing our situations according to this worldly perspective. And the moment we begin to pray and call on the name of Jesus, our inner eyes begin to open and we see our situations from the Heavenly perspective (see things the way God sees them). When I’m afraid and doubtful I pray. I pray until I’m able to see my situation correctly. I pray until all my fears are gone and I have enough faith to step into what the Lord is calling me to. Spend more time in the presence of God, praying in tongues and surrendering all to Him. I pray to make sure my spirit is aligned to the Lord, so that I can be in a position to receive God’s perspective! All I need often times is a revelation from God and my entire world is changed. And I go from anxious to happy!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know – Jeremiah 33:3, NLT

We see Jesus walking on water and obviously His disciples freak out on seeing Him. But Peter is fascinated to see Jesus walk on water and he’s like, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water”. And Jesus is like, “cool, come!”. Just an insert, to be on the safe, wait until the Lord calls you out of the boat. Because the Lord is bound to keep and preserve those He calls. Be patient and wait for your turn. Don’t be in a rush to step out of the boat because everyone else is stepping out. Wait for your turn! AmenšŸ˜„šŸ˜„

So Peter steps out of the boat and walks on water but towards Jesus – fixing his eyes on Him. As long as your eyes are on Jesus, you will not sink. Because Jesus is the author and the perfector of your faith. Keeping your eyes on Jesus, maintains your faith level. The more you look into Him, you see that, He’s the unchanging God, the I am that I am, He’s the ever faithful God, who never fails and never will. There’s an assurance that everything is going to be alright. It doesn’t matter how ugly the situation is, you will just have faith, peace and joy within your heart. Because your trust is in Him who never fails and will never fail.

Keep your eyes on Him and His word, for He is the word! Your faith will not fail as long as you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. When we remove our eyes on Jesus and His word, the world and the situations surrounding us will start becoming bigger and bigger, and sooner than later we begin to be overwhelmed by all that, then we begin to sink!

Listen child, I must warn you, once you have gained the courage to step out by faith into what the Lord is calling you to. The enemy will come with all manner of deceptions to make you remove your eyes on Jesus. I remember late last year, the Lord called me to step out of my own boat into the next level He was calling me to. And remember child, once the Lord has called you out of your boat, you often do not know what’s next. You have to keep your eyes on Jesus for direction. So I stepped out of the boat with much courage, though at first it wasn’t easy. The Lord had to encourage me with His word and held me dearly until I gathered the courage to step out. And I did step out.

I was doing well, fixing my eyes on Jesus. I didn’t have everything I needed, but I had the Lord and I had put my faith and trust in Him and that was enough for me. Until the enemy came with all his lies. You know those lies of, ‘you think the Lord will come through for you, keep dreaming, you will never be anything, Jesus lied to you, look the way He’s blessing others, and He will always bless others but you, keep dreaming God will never rescue you or do anything for you etc’ and so much more crap. And my heart was broken because I believed all those lies. And I removed my eyes (my faith) on Jesus. I felt lied to, deceived and betrayed by the Lord. I didn’t know any better. I should have known that the Lord loved me too much to do that to me. And because I believed the enemy, I begun to sink into depression to the point of giving up on the Lord. But in the process and in the midst of pain and much sadness, just like Peter, I would whisper the name of Jesus, and say, Help me Lord! And the Lord heard my cry and He delivered me from being overwhelmed by much waters. Friends, I would have died but Jesus rescued me. And He’s waiting to rescue you too but if only you will whisper or cry out for help!

Seasons will come where you will have to walk on water, but remember FEAR NOT you are not alone, KEEP YOUR EYES on Jesus and incase you are DROWNING in bad choices, pain or much sorrow because of removing your faith in God, you can always CRY FOR HELP. Jesus is near to the broken hearted and He’s always ready to help!

Love you so much, and I want you to know I appreciate you and I’m praying for youšŸ¤—šŸ˜„šŸ˜ššŸ˜š

I dedicate this song to you, I pray it encourages your heart>>>>>>>>>>

Much Regards,

Jess šŸ’“šŸ˜˜

Accessing the Next Dimension!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

It’s not God’s will for us to be stuck in one place or dimension all the days of our lives. It’s the will of the Father that we keep moving from glory to glory and from strength to strength. Moving from one level to the next. Moving from one level of faith to the next higher level of faith. And this shift is called growth. Growing is part of destiny. For you to fulfill destiny you must grow in all dimensions and fully become what God has called you to become. Destiny is fully becoming what God has called you to become. We must always give ourselves to growth. Growing in our way of thinking and perception. Growing in character and in faith. Growing in understanding of who you have been called to be and fully comprehending and embracing your destiny.

Our endeavor everyday should be to grow in our walk with God. When you are not growing, then there’s something absolutely wrong. Because we are meant to grow in all dimensions – in our emotional, spiritual and physical lives. Everything that pertains to our lives ought to be growing and shifting to a higher place. You are not supposed to be the same person over the years. Yes, you should maintain your uniqueness and your authenticity but you should definitely grow and keep growing to maturity. Over the years, people ought to see a difference in you. Amen?šŸ˜„

Now, you might be wandering how do I ensure that I keep growing? How do I access the next dimension that God is calling me to? The next dimension is the place the Lord is calling you to. It’s a spiritual place that the Lord is calling you to occupy. It’s a higher place of growth. Prophetically speaking, everything the Lord has promised you, it’s in the next dimension. Everything the Lord has for you, it’s accessible if you stretch and take a hold of it. The blessing, the glory, the answered prayer; it’s all in the next dimension. You just need to step into your next dimension.

Then, how do I access this next dimension/ next level that the Lord is calling me to?

One thing you need to understand is that the Lord is calling you higher. He’s calling you to get up from that dark place. He’s calling you to get up from that place of comfort and arise to the place He’s calling you to. Accessing the next dimension begins by obeying the calling of God. You know the Lord has been calling you to rise and move to a higher place? But often times we ignore the tags in our hearts and always postponing what God is calling us to; without realizing that when you postpone your obedience, you are actually postponing your own blessing and what God has for you. You need to hear God and give heed to what the Lord is calling you to. You cannot walk into the next dimension without first arising and getting up from where you are. Get up and arise and do what the Lord is calling you to…

To be honest with you for awhile I was sitted in a dark place. I had given up! And recently I went to my room to talk to the Lord. I was just conversing with Him, pouring my heart to Him. And the Lord begun exposing the deceptions the enemy had made me believe. I was awakened to the truth and at that moment, the Lord commissioned me to get up. Well, I was talking to the Lord seated in my bed, looking all defeated and I was crying. And at the word of the Lord, I got up and started engaging in warfare. When I started praying, and pulling down strongholds. I begun declaring that I’m rising up from that dark place. And suddenly I saw a vision of myself rising up and the Lord was standing right there as I took His hand and walked into the light. There was so much light, the light of His presence. And I felt in my heart that it was done! I got up and walked into what the Lord was calling me to.

For you to access the next dimension, you must arise!

As we move from one level to the next, we need to understand that surrender plays a major role in accessing the next dimension. Every dimension requires a deeper dying to self; a deeper surrender. I remember during the new year’s Eve, I was in prayer and my entire prayer was all about surrendering to the Lord. I laid down before the Lord and I was like, “Lord, I lay my life down, I surrender all to you, not my will, but let your will be done”, and I meant every word of it. At that moment, I felt that I had surrendered all, withholding nothing. And to be honest with you, I thought I had done every surrender I will ever need to do, only to get the shock to my face. Lol.

Until recently the Lord kept calling me to a deeper surrender. Dying to self. You may think that I was willing to surrender as usual. But that wasn’t the case. I was afraid of losing myself. Fear gripped me so much that I wasn’t willing to surrender again. I was like, “Lord I’m afraid of surrendering in such a way that I will lose myself in the process”. And I failed to realize, that’s the purpose of dying to self – to lose your self, so that Christ can be seen in your life. And it becomes, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me – Galatians 2:20”.
This surrender is not the ordinary surrender, but it’s a place of death. Death to self. I was afraid of losing myself and I realized that I needed to trust God with my life. And that I will not be losing myself but instead I will be gaining my life, as long as I’m in the hands of God. The Bible says in Mark 8:35, For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it; but if you lose your life for me and for the gospel, you will save it.
In order to access the next dimension that the Lord is calling us to, we need not only to get up from that dark place or die to self but we need to be sensitive enough in the Spirit to recognize our times and seasons. There’s a time and season for everything under the sun. There’s a time set in the Heavens for you to walk into your next dimension. And that happens when the portal opens in the spiritual realm. A portal is a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one. When you are sensitive in the Spirit, you will know when there’s an opening in the Spirit.

A few weeks ago, it was on a Saturday night, and I lost sleep completely. And the funny thing is, I was just happy in my heart. So the Lord led me to just wake up and pray. I woke up and prayed as the Spirit of God was leading me. As I was praying, I felt an open door in the Spirit and the Lord commissioned me to walk through it and the Lord told me that it was an opening to the next dimension. So in prayer I entered the opened door. When we fail to recognize when the portal opens, I’m afraid to say that, we will miss the opportunity to enter the next dimension. A portal opens in a certain season and time and it closes. When you fail to access the portal when its open, you will miss your opportunity to enter your open door and access everything the Lord has for you.

The reason why it’s important for us to access the next dimension, it’s because everything the Lord has promised you or you have trusted Him for, it’s in the next dimension. I feel that prophetically! I have not used the word “everything” ignorantly. I hear the Lord say, “tell my people, everything they are looking for and trusting me for and everything I have promised them, it’s in the next dimension”

When God wakes you up to pray or tells you to start praying in the middle of the day; you need to obey and pray. Because, the portal might be opened and you need to enter through it and access it by faith in prayer. When you fail to access the portal when it’s opened, I’m sorry to say that you will have to wait until it opens again. This is the reason for many delayed answers to prayer. When you miss your season, you will have to wait for another season!
Through opened portal, we gain access to the next dimension but once we have gained access, we need to learn and know all about the next dimension and that’s why the Lord will introduce you to a destiny helper. A destiny helper might come in form of a mentor or an elder sister or brother in Christ. Someone who has walked through the dimension you just entered. And they will teach you and show you how to walk through that dimension; they bring understanding and clarity to you as you walk through unfamiliar territory.

God is faithful to send us help in form of men and women. This kind of help can also come by God asking you to start listening to a certain preacher. So that through their teachings, you will learn all about the dimension you just walked into. Recently, after accessing my next dimension, the Lord led me to listen to Juanita bynum, and through her teachings I have been receiving divine instructions on how to walk through this season and dimension in my life!
I pray that you will access your next dimension and walk through it! I pray that you will not miss your season in Jesus name! And I pray that you will be found faithful to walk through the next dimension.šŸ˜„Amen!

Much love šŸ’•šŸ’—

Xo, JessšŸ˜„šŸ˜˜